Sunday 8 May 2011

So I'm Doing It Again...

Trying to write a novel, that is. And this blog is going to be the spy on my progress; the dobber-in if I fail to write for ages or to basically keep things on track. This time I won't have schedules or plannners or even daily word targets - I just want to be able to report something constructive here as often as possible, so my imaginary readership will be desperately impressed.

I have another blog, on which I post book reviews and various rambling thoughts about nonsense. But I want this one to be dedicated purely to writing this new novel, if only to keep my thoughts separate and focused.

And God knows, I need to stay focused. To date I've written two novels to full length but can't be bothered putting in the work to polish them up, plus two others have fallen by the wayside over the last year or so, half-written and now bereft, like a torso with no legs. But I really, really want to finish this new one and maybe I'll go back to the other two mutated ones later on.

The reason this blog is called 'The View From the Rabbit Hole' is because that's what it feels like to me when I'm trying to force a book onto the page. It feels like I've disappeared down a narrow, dark, frightening and disorientating tunnel, with no idea which way is up and faced with the task of trying to haul myself to the surface. The blue sky of the real world can be just glimpsed way up above me and I can hear the hollow, distant sounds of life going on up there, without me. But I feel very disconnected from it and unsure if it even really is my world, where my efforts will be recognised and successful, or Alice's intensely creepy Wonderland where nothing has any meaning.

Goodness me, I don't half talk some rubbish. Anyway, this will be my progress board, where I'll state my word count after every writing session (5,352 at this moment in time). I bet you can't wait for the excuses to begin.

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